Dr. Marc Browner

A Provider of ReliefNow

Dr. Marc Browner Naples Laser Pain Center in Naples, Florida is committed to helping his patients find a pain-free way of life. Because of a high-school sports injury, Dr. Browner understands what it is to live with constant pain and to be told that surgery is the only option. He did not want to take that option and on the advice of a friend, Dr. Browner tried chiropractic care.

It was the positive results of that experience that led Dr. Browner to realize that his calling was to become a chiropractor and to help others experience natural healing.

Dr. Browner graduated from University of Florida in 1990 and he received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life College in 1995. After interning for three years with a chiropractic clinic in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dr. Browner opened his own private practice in Plantation. Following the success of the Plantation clinic, Dr. Marc Browner opened a second clinic in Weston. Followed by another clinic in Naples.

After another injury to his elbow in 2016, he suffered with severe pain for 6 months. Due to the severity of his symptoms, he was referred to have an MRI done which revealed micro-tears of his triceps tendon along with lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow). After trying every type of therapy including acupuncture, ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation and massage therapy with no results, he was at a seminar and was introduced to laser therapy. In 3 visits the pain was literally gone! Because he wanted to provide his patients with state-of-the-art treatment methods and to be able to help them benefit from technological advances that continue to occur in the field of natural medicine, Dr. Browner purchased his first laser. Due to the amazing results with hundreds of patients, he then purchased his 2nd laser and now a third.

There are many conditions we can help including tennis elbow, golfers elbow, plantar fasciitis and knee pain.

Naples Laser Pain Center, and Dr. Marc Browner – Your One and Only Choice for deep tissue laser therapy.

Dr. Marc Browner

Give us a call to see how Naples Laser therapy can help!

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*Disclaimer: Although welcome for treatment, these patients are excluded from offers:
1) MEDICARE, MEDICAID, TRICARE, and other government healthcare program participants and 2) personal injury and worker's compensation claimants.